Player toufou78 posted a message on 20/08 18:36 on the MadLotto Forum: Dates/times of the challenges. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Dates/times of the challenges
21/08/2007 21:56:56

Hello 🙋 Well

, if Madwin MadWin take into consideration everyone's requests regarding schedules, I wish them all the best!

And what do you think of those who work nights too?

With a little patience you will get used to it and it will be rewarded!

Good evening and 🍻

20/08/2007 18:36:56

The start and end dates and times of the weekly challenges are scheduled for Monday 6pm but this allows some people to take advantage of these schedules to Play during the week the first time on Monday after 6pm and the last time on Monday before 6pm which allows them to have one more shot than those who can only Play after 6pm when they get home from work. The solution, if we are to be fair, would be to start and finish one day of the week at midnight.

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