Player cricri04 posted a message on 02/04 16:04 on the MadLotto Forum: Winners the 100€ or the dice at the Sweepstake. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  6 17 26 30 36 43  : Winners : 748 

Subject :  Winners the 100€ or the dice at the Sweepstake
02/05/2008 23:38:51

It's not to say (well, if a little bit...) but it still doesn't work..... 🙁n):

The Winners the Sweepstakes finished on April 30th do not include the 2 categories (100€ and nintendo ds).....

The information must have been lost in the premises.......

03/04/2008 21:58:50

🙋 I

can already tell you that I didn't do it 😢😢

03/04/2008 01:08:30

This is a modified message:
Don't worry Webby, I didn't really mean what I said... but I noticed that it often takes a little polemic for you to notice some messages (besides my first nice message from a few months ago was dropped!!)

So I take advantage of it, if you can improve my situation with people who can finally Help me... I thank you in advance!

Regarding the Winners the Sweepstake, it will be cool to finally know who to spill your grudge to! 🤪😃😂😉

02/04/2008 18:43:05

Good evening, Web / Good evening Cricri04

I don't think Cricri04 is accusing you of dishonesty but rather of something strange that happens from time to time in MadWin's favor. To my knowledge I have never heard of a Favorable bug for the players parked for the Merry Christmas event where 2 Wire 1000 € fell during the Week.

Have a good game, Cricri.

02/04/2008 17:09:50


I think it's a display problem because the start date of these windows is older (these Sweepstakes being longer), so as we limit the displays to the most recent Sweepstakes it doesn't show up. I'll pass on the information.

That being said, and while acknowledging that the question deserved to be asked (in fact, I had to skip the first time you asked for it and I apologize), I don't hide my amazement and especially my disappointment, that a player like you, faithful for a long time and having often won big Prizes, could think of a dishonesty on our part...

The Web'.

02/04/2008 16:04:39


Since the launch of the Sweepstake, the monthly Winners the 2 biggest Prizes (100€ or nintendo ds) are never marked on the Winners list (this is the second time I note it on the forum...)

This month again, the draw took place on March 31st, and there is still no name for these prizes.

So I'm starting to have doubts, are these draws really taking place? are there any Winners? or are we just being told that we're in for an impossible win?

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