Player zitoulou posted a message on 12/07 12:37 on the MadLotto Forum: Free Arabesque bonus: 6 or 7 letters?. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Free Arabesque bonus: 6 or 7 letters?
12/07/2011 12:37:50


according to the bonus rule for the free Arabesque game, you need to type a word of at least 6 letters to get the bonus. Out, in the game, with a 6-letter word composed, I am asked to make a word of at least 7 letters... so, where is the error?

Thank you for the answer or correction of any of the rules.


04/10/2011 11:14:14


, I'm asked to finish a bonus game before I can Play arabesque

. What's this bonus game?

18/07/2011 16:43:52

🙋 You

confuse free Arabesque with Arabesque paying for 6, 9 or 11 credits. Free Arabesque allows you to earn points and Wires with the progressive jackpot that starts at 100 euros. Paid Arabesque earns you points, small Prizes or if you find the Loot, you choose a prize from the proposed

list For free Arabesque, if you make a ten-letter word, you are allowed two clicks in the bonus game.


14/07/2011 23:36:16

I encountered the same problem, the 6-letter word is refused, you need a 7-letter word.
In addition, it is usually written that you can Play with free rounds. Since yesterday, I have been asked for 11 credits for one click. I think there must be a bug in the game.

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